Sunday, August 16, 2009

Myanmar Goverenmet agrees to two requests of US senator

Myanmar governemnt agrees two requests of US senatar Webb by relesaing John Yettaw and allowing Mr Webb 's meeting with Aung San Su Kyi.
When he met with reporters at Yangon air port, Senator Jim Webb metntoned that inculding the release of Aung san Su Kyi,he made three request during his short vist to Myanmar

Webb said he was pleased the Myanmar government allowed the meeting and freed John Yettaw, the American imprisoned after swimming uninvited to Suu Kyi’s Yangon home in May and staying for two days. Yettaw was freed, departed with Webb and is undergoing medical treatment, the senator said.

But he did not mention whether Myanmar goverenment agree his request of Su Kyi's release or not. The visit of U S senator become a controventional issue among Myanmar demoraczy activists. Some exiled Burmses group tried to conatct senator before his visit to isloated regime.

Jimm Weeb, senator of Viriginia was the first high ranking official of US governement who meet with the top leader of the country’s military junta, Senior General Than Shwe.

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