Sunday, February 15, 2009

Myanmar decline economy strongly affects construction busine

Myanmar decline economy strongly affects Myanmar construction business including Junta closed partner company according to Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association (MCEA) . ( Myanmar naing Ngan sauk hloke yae Hloke ngan Shin ah thin in Burmese)

Construction of residential housing was worst affected, particularly in Yangon a member of MCEA ( zay Ga bar Khin Shwe told me) said today. Famous FMI housing company in Yangon Hlaing thar ya township admitted recently that their sale down to 80 percent compare with previous year.

However, ministry of construction announced that the construction company could not continue their construction project, they will seize company properties. Mostly, construction companies are jointly running their business with government.
They use government soil to build housing estate.

Even if government announce like that, Yangon construction companies now stop their project because no one ahs money to continue it, a director from construction company said.

So, many grassroots labour who are working in Yangon construction will loss their job sooner or later, he added.

There are 30 construction companies who run their project in Yangon.


Unknown said...

Today I have read the following articles on the internet.

RWU has just declared that they would be against the planned elections in 2010 from all sides
Relatives of Unreleased Prisoners Go Home Disappointed
Yeni said in this: To persuade the military to engage, the Burmese opposition should focus not only on its demand to free political prisoners, but to exploit the stagnation of the domestic economy and the humanitarian crisis. The NLD, in particular, has to date been too slow to react and has tiptoed around the issues. It needs to let the people know that it is capable of tackling the economic challenges that Burma will face in a post-dictatorial world

Look how much funny the statement of RWU as if all problems will be resolved if we just delete the elections, still we need to question if it is so easy to destroy the elections!! A very much silly statement indeed

Relatives of prisoners went to wait outside Insein’s big house in the hope to see the freedom of they love ones but in vain!!!
The funniest leader U Win Tin after Aung San Suu Kyi from NLD after said he was angry at only very few were released, what he expected? Nobody expected all would be freed.
Look spdc made places in prisons cross the country 9002 (September 07)+6301, they will arrest many more from now to 2010, who knows? 10000, 20000 more. And they will free them when Ban-Ki-moon pay visit to Myanmar but Aung San suu Kyi, U Tin Oo and Wai Lai Lai (88GS) members will not be freed.

Why spdc should free all political prisoners – sanctions will remain stay few or many no difference for them. They made just continuum co-operation with UN.
As long as there is no significant change in policy from UN/International/opposition, spdc will move no inch.

Yeni said “the NLD, in particular, has to date been too slow to react and has tiptoed around the issues. It needs to let the people know that it is capable of tackling the economic challenges that Burma will face in a post-dictatorial world”

He really made the best joke of the day.
NLD said clearly in their special statement of 12/02/09, “ It could not be discussed as we still did not know the causes for economic development and how to bring about it. ” In other word they are not interested in economy of the country.

Well, the opposition will know what they want.

May be they do not want all political prisoner be released who knows?

Today is a funny day indeed.

Unknown said...


MYANMAR - 6,313 prisoners granted amnesty 4 Days, 9 Hours ago Karma: 0
THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 21 February, 2009

6,313 prisoners granted amnesty

NAY PYI TAW, 20 Feb—The State Peace and Development Council is
striving for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed
discipline-flourish ing democratic new nation upholding Our Three
Main National Causes. The Government had laid down the State's seven-
step Road Map firmly. The people had approved the constitution for
the future state with a vast majority. At present, the government
is joining hands with the people in successfully realizing the Road

In building the new nation, the government handed down sentences to
those who violated the existing laws to prison terms in accord with
the law to ensure peace and tranquillity and prevalence of law and
order. However, systematic plans are being made for those serving
prison terms to turn them into citizens to be able to participate in
building a new nation.

The government will terminate the prison terms of 6,313 prisoners
with good conduct and discipline on grounds of humanitation and as a
gesture of showing sympathy towards their families, and release them
on 21 February 2009 (12th Waning of Tabodwe, 1370 ME) to enable them
to serve the interests of the regions and their own and the nation
and to participate in the fair election to be held in the year 2010
together with the people after realizing the government's compassion
and goodwill.—MNA

Re:MYANMAR - 6,313 prisoners granted amnesty 3 Days, 10 Hours ago Karma: 0
saileik / MNA,

Thank you for your post. I am encouraged by your view that the government and the people are joining hands and realizing the Road Map.

It is also encouraging that 6,313 well behaved prisoners will go back to their families, realize the government's compassion and goodwill and be able to participate in the fair election to be held in the year 2010.

saileik it feels like I have arrived somewhere unfamiliar but I like this place and I hope I am not dreaming. I've seen enough dreams for a while.

What about the political prisoners, will they be coming out too? They seem like good guys to me especially the pretty girl with the flower in her hair.

I am looking forward with much interest to the 2010 elections and who knows what will happen, anything could happen but at the moment it seems
to me that watching the elections without the girl and her flower would be like watching a hockey match with only the goalies on the ice. I might as well be dreaming.

Would you know if there is anything I can do to get the rest of the players on the ice too? I do wish to see a good fair hockey match this evening. Let the best team win is what I say.


Re:MYANMAR - 6,313 prisoners granted amnesty 3 Days, 5 Hours ago Karma: -6
Mya dear nayting,

May I take this opportunity and say something .

It was nice , very nice of saileik to published this news. It is a good news, but some people may not think so. He just copy and pasted it in AO. I am not blaming him for doing that.

If only saileik had some opinion, or view on his own on this news, it would be very much better for all of us., to have different views on this.

But, releasing someone who is in prison or who is no danger or threat to the nation and the people should be released after they finished the re-education programme or they behave very well while they were in there.

Prison may be ugly name. but education centres or rehabilitation will better sounded. In may developed nations they are not called prison. They are in many different names in many different countries, such as detention centres, correction centres, etc.

Criminal are unfortunate people. There are many kind of criminals. They are human beings. They become criminal on many different grounds or reasons. Most of them are those who could not take the pressures of real life. Most of them are poor, the poverty drove them to commit crimes. But please don’t think there are no criminals in rich and wealthy society. There are habitual and non habitual criminals

Once or twice before I said. this government, SPDC or its leader Sr.Gen Than Shwe is too merciful, very kind person . His deed shows. his performance shows.

Sr. Gen Than Shwe has power ( rights) as a leader of the nation to grant Amnesty to anyone. With his rights he has done one of the good things.

It is said in Buddhism , there is no rewards, nor penalty only the consequences for what you do.

In one of the Christian stories, John the Baptist was his head chopped off because he was out spoken, what we should do or we should not do. Herod gave his head to his step daughter for sexual favours.

Jesus Christ was put in dungeon and later killed, for preaching peace and kindness towards one another.

On his birthday, Pontius Pilate released Barabbas, the terrorist, and crucified Jesus Christ. People asked for Jesus to be crucified, in today’s words, democracy killed Jesus Christ. He relied on his twelve men and the crowd.

6.313 are released. Authorities think they are no danger to the public, no danger to the nation. They are just common criminals. Authorities believe they will behave well, and look after themselves and their family.

While they were in rehabilitation centres they were train to be motor mechanics, machinists, shoe makers, printers, machine operators , brick layers, plasterers, cement mixers, carpenters, some of them to read and write, to become writers, etc. After they are released, they have to do their best to stay outside and helpful to the people and the nation. After all these are their people , this is their country .

In Myanmar, correction centres are not heaven on earth, they are not Shangrilas, like in some countries. They have to be service to the society. They just can’t sit down in the centre and enjoys life while others they disturbed are working hard for their daily regular meals .

It is a place where nobody wants to go, not even for a short visit. It has to be. Criminals are breaking all the rules , against the whole society, the rights, of other people , including the right to live freely. in peace, and safety, For that they have to face the consequences.

Now the good leaders of the nation has given them second chance to prove they are worthy citizen., equipped them will some skills they need to face the real life.

They can’t say anything now, no excuses.

Elections in 2010. These released can cast their votes, in coming democratic elections now. If they were still in, they can’t vote. That is one benefit for them as well as for the nation .

I hope they will do right things , to behave, to be helpful to the society and the whole nation where they reside. I hiope they will not abuse their freedom again in future.

Nice talking to you.



Re:MYANMAR - 6,313 prisoners granted amnesty 23 Hours, 4 Minutes ago Karma: 0
U Thunderbolts,

When I was a little boy at school I remember wishing to write something on a paper. I wanted to write neatly with perfectly formed letters. Problem was that even though I only wanted to write a single paragraph, every time I tried, something would go wrong, a letter would be crooked, the space would be too large always something would happen.

I would try maybe a half dozen times until I had a small pile of torn up paper and feeling quite defeated and frustrated in my ambition.

I am the same way today, in everything I do I like things to be just so and when they are not I get to feel the consequences. I've learned that the consequences can be more rewarding than the perfection because on the rare occasion I get close to perfection I really miss the consequences. It's a bitter sweet life for me U Thunderbolts.

This makes me think about U Than Shwe sitting with power to grant amnesty because I imagine he is like I am and wants things to be just so. The difference is I think U Than Shwe hardly ever feels the consequences. Take U saileik as a single example, I mean, with kindness he copied and pasted a little piece of perfection and was then perfectly silent. He did his cut and paste job and sat back in his chair in the knowledge he did the right thing.

I think the pretty girl with her flower produces a different feeling for U Than Shwe than U saileik. I think she is a wonderful source of consequences. That stubborn pretty girl that the whole world looks up to is a wonderful consequence waiting to happen. And there are many others like her, some in education centers or rehabilitation places. Are they being trained to be like U saileik?

The way I see things is U Than Shwe has a choice to sit in his own sweetness, his own struggle for perfection and loving kindness or use his authority and then get to experience the consequences that life can throw at him. Sweet or bitter sweet is the choice and I know what I would choose and I think that puts my view of this in as perfectly expressed way as I can do today so I can now sit back in my chair and get on with some real work. I wonder what consequences are in store for me today?

Nice talking to you U Thunderbolts,


Re:MYANMAR - 6,313 prisoners granted amnesty 5 Hours, 17 Minutes ago Karma: -6
My dear nayting.

Don’t think too much of the beauty or the beast, it means nothing. How beautiful it may be, how beastyit may be they are subject to , or not escape from decaying, getting old, getting sick, and death in the end, Buddha said. For example, Michael Jackson and many others are the living proofs.

There is nothing wrong being ambitious. There are many ways and means, to achieve your ambitions, your goals. Change the route, change the course. readjust , you will get there one day. At least that is the theory, you may have to put it into practice , your creativity will play important part.

From the day you were born , your parents trained you . Everybody is trained, from the first day my dear nayting, the basic of everything. The rest is up to us, how creative we are. No matter how we have been trained, we still need a little bit of creation of our own , if not too much. That is progress. And developments. How small or little they may be. Please accept it.,

Everybody is doing something or the other . Saileik did what he thinks was right. He made no comment. That was his right. He does not know what to say, so he kept quiet.
Better not say anything than saying something he will regret later.

Everybody is doing what they think is the best , the best of their knowledge , the best of their ability etc. including that pretty girl you were talking about is doing her best.
When a pretty cannot think or she is blinded with love. she can become Mi Aye , who happened to be in the hay stack. If you don’t understand Mi Aye story, I will tell you some other time., when and if you ask me.

Over qualified, and under qualified,. They both are no good. They don’t match each other. They can take you nowhere. They don’t fit in anywhere . You have to have right qualification. for the right profession, right place, right time, etc., etc.

We all are in the, “ nobody is perfect ”category. They saying is, “ practice makes perfect”. We can try to perfect ourselves by more practices. The more we do the more we could make mistakes, the more we make mistakes the more we can correct. In the end we will make lesser and lesser mistakes.

The important thing is , when we make mistakes, we have to realised that we have made mistakes. There are two ways to know . By self enlightening or through the environment, by our surrounding.

I have said many times before , if you have something to say, you must also know
HOW to say it. If you have something to do. You must also know HOW to do it.

In the case pf Myanmar, to established Union of Myanmar to be a democratic, modern developed nation, where all citizen to enjoy their human rights.

That is the objective, that is the goal. That is what you want to do. Then do it, but you must know how to do it. Because of various circumstances, because of different situations .

Bare in mind, that circumstances of today may not be there tomorrow, it might be changed. The situation of today may not be their tomorrow, it might be changed .
You have to be aware of those. Myanmar saying is “ Hllay Nan Dah Htit ”, you cannot make yourself cornered, you cannot make yourself trapped. You must create rooms for you to move around. At least escape route, fire exit., emergency exit etc.

You can promise something today, based on today's circumstances and today's situation. Tomorrow may be another day. We are not alone. Circumstances and situations can be changed at anytime, because of anybody. That is the reality, that is the truth. We must realise it, and accept it as they are. You may have to change it accordingly. When circumstances and situation permit, it will be OK.

Sr. Gen Than Shwe is a part of a body, which has been taking care of Myanmar. All his life he devoted , to the people and the nation, in the rain , in the sun, in the cold., in the wind , in the storm. Let’s say, “ a man has to do what a man has to do.”. Naturally, there are those who like him, and there are those who do not like him. Even Buddha , Confucius, Jesus and Mohammed could not escaped from this dislike, , let alone others

Another Myanmar saying is,” Kyo Zar Ying Phaya Phyit ” which means , if you try, you can even become Buddha . , But you must try in the right way, though.

So the right way is the only way. What is right or what is wrong, nobody but only we know what is what. To know what is what is the great gift of Buddha. , one of the great opportunity to be a human being , Buddha said.

Do what you have to do , do the right thing, with your conscience clear. Good deed will bring you good consequences, bad deed will bring you bad consequences.

To answer one particular question of yours. “ Are they being trained to be like U saileik? ” The answer is “ yes ”. Bill posters is a kind of profession, they don‘t need college or university education. You may also see some widow cleaners, cleaning sky scrapers. Don't take too liitle of them either. They are taking risk. A ladder could slipped, or a cradle could dropped, When you go out on to the streets, you will see all kind of posters, commercial advertisements. These are the work of the bill posters ,believe me. They are among the society. Doing their job, a service to the society.

Lastly I would like to say, that we can neither over do, nor under do anything. We have to do everything right, at the right time. Just do what you have to do, my dear nayting.

What more can I say?

Nice talking to you.


Unknown said...


Now Irrawaddy started to allow recently the comments regarding their articles. It is interesting to read these comments. Demo groups never listened to the advices from ordinary people. They accuse spdc for not giving freedom of speech but to my knowledge, even Aung San Suu kyi did never listen to the advices of opposite views. So where is the diference between spdc and NLD?


Sanctions Are Not to Blame for Burma’s Economic Woes
By MOE ZAW OO Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Recently, some critics of the National League for Democracy (NLD) have taken the party’s leadership to task for continuing to call for sanctions on Burma.

It is not enough to blame sanctions for the prolonged poverty in Burma while urging the NLD to confess policy mistakes. We need to identify and implement a workable strategy that exploits the junta’s weaknesses—not just place blame and point fingers.

Isolation has been the policy of Burma’s military ever since it stole power from the country’s civilian government in 1962. The current junta, the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), has proved intransigent and has refused to concede any aspect of its policy as a result of sanctions or engagement. Champions of both policies realize this.

The underlying question is this: What will influence the junta to peacefully solve the current crises facing Burma? If sanctions, targeted or total, could be made to work more effectively, policymakers who advocate this approach would be applauded.
Similarly, pro-engagement policymakers would be praised if their strategy actually succeeded in changing the regime.

On October 4, 2007, under extreme pressure from the international community following its brutal crackdown on the peaceful monk-led Saffron Revolution, the SPDC issued Statement 1/2007. This statement called on NLD General-Secretary Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to renounce “confrontation, utter devastation, and demanding all types of sanctions, including economic sanctions,” as a precondition for meeting with junta leader Snr-Gen Than Shwe.

The word “confrontation” entered Burma’s political lexicon in 1989, when the junta accused the NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi of confrontational activities during her organizational trips across Burma. For the junta, any activity that threatens their hold on power is an act of confrontation.

Aung San Suu Kyi introduced the phrase “utter devastation” during a press conference in Burma on July 11, 1995, the day after she was released from her first period of house arrest. “We must choose between dialogue and utter devastation,” she said at the time.

The junta’s call for the elimination of “all types of sanctions, including economic sanctions,” has a long history. However, the sanctions debate is not about the impact of the sanctions on political change in Burma or the international community’s options for imposing pressure on the Burmese junta. Instead, the debate is about whether sanctions negatively impact the people of Burma. Sanctions should not be used as a scapegoat for the economic problems in Burma. The cause of the crisis in Burma is the junta, not the sanctions.

For years, international ministers and diplomats have discussed policy toward Burma and the junta’s disregard of international and public opinion.

Recently, at a news conference in Indonesia on February 18, 2009, Hillary Clinton, the new US Secretary of State, stated that her government was “looking at possible ideas” to try to promote positive change in Burma. “Clearly the path we have taken in imposing sanctions hasn’t influenced the Burmese junta, [but] reaching out and trying to engage them has not influenced them, either,” she said.

In an interview in 2003, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who was the primary person responsible for admitting Burma into the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) during the 1997 Asean Summit in Kuala Lumpur, warned that Burma might be expelled from the regional grouping if its military rulers continued to defy world pressure to release Aung San Suu Kyi. “I fought hard for Myanmar [Burma] to be admitted into Asean. I think the leaders of Myanmar should consider public opinion,” he said.

When the UN Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari visited Burma recently, the SPDC’s Prime Minister Gen Thein Sein told him that “the UN should make an effort to lift economic sanctions imposed on Myanmar, if the organization wants to see a prosperous Myanmar with political stability.”

Thein Sein seemed to suggest that lifting economic sanctions would guarantee Burma’s future prosperity and political stability. Obviously, that would not happen. The special envoy reported to the Security Council after his recent visit that he had achieved “no tangible results” in his efforts to move Burma closer to democracy.

As Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding prime minister, explained during an interview with a columnist from the University of California’s Los Angeles Media Center, “These are rather dumb generals when it comes to the economy. How can they so mismanage the economy and reach this stage when the country has so many natural resources?”
Lee also asserted that he could not understand how the generals could expect Burma to remain so isolated, adding that even medicine had to be smuggled into the country from Thailand.

The junta manipulates the international community, and the SPDC’s contempt for international opinion is obvious. Neither a confession from the NLD nor blaming sanctions will result in tangible outcomes for democracy in Burma. Therefore, instead of focusing on confession and blame games, we must identify the most effective ways, both internationally and within Burma, to penetrate the junta’s impervious shield.

The author is a former political prisoner and currently member of the foreign affairs section of the National League for Democracy (Liberated Area).

e.r. Wrote: 06/03/2009

"Their long time in prisons unfortunately did not teach them to be able to do wise politics."

This sentence is very revealing of the real aim of its author.

sandar Wrote: 06/03/2009

I am not sure that the elderly CEC is the only main cause of the NLD’s failure, because these elderly persons are in fact just housekeepers and not decision makers.
Without the green light from Aung San Suu Kyi and the NLD youth who support her strongly, NLD’s CEC can do little to move forward NLD’s leadership in Myanmar’s democracy movement.

Look at NLD’s youth. They are very much disappointed by the lack of a mass movement generated by NLD’s leadership. When Aung San Suu Kyi was out, the party was in continuous movement – weekly gatherings in front of Aung San Suu kyi’s compound, traveling around the country with many people, agitated-oriented speech-giving ceremonies in each displacement of Aung San Suu Kyi. NLD’s youth had so many things to do and were very busy with preparations for campaign trips, gatherings, various meetings, speech-giving ceremonies/events. When she is under house arrest, NLD’s youth become jobless, depressed, and have nothing to do. As a result, they have a lot of time to spend. Therefore they think that the CEC are useless and are not working well.

It seems to me that for the NLD’s youth, doing politics is provoking the mass to go out onto the streets. Aung San Suu Kyi emphasized also so much on “freedom of speech” and “freedom of gathering” rather than making the pragmatic and realistic policies in politics. She rarely (or never, to my knowledge) made significant political meetings where all CEC members could formulate and craft the important policies by discussing among each other. She is famous for not being a good listener to other people's advice in the party. Her politic is populace politics, not statesmanship politics.

When the former student leaders were released, many people thought that they would end the stalemate situation, but in vain they disappointed me so much. They (the 88 generation group) enjoyed the politics of ceremony and radio politics. They attended all ceremonies and events at the NLD’s HQ in yellow, white and black shirts. They gave the very stupid and meaningless interviews to the media. Most of the statements the 88 Generation groups issued were not political propositions, but simple complaints. Their long time in prisons unfortunately did not teach them to be able to do wise politics. They have never been the real politicians but only the agitators. It is sad for them as well as for our nation. They could never reach to overcome the image of Aung San Suu Kyi. I can only hope for them that when they will be freed, they can learn to become the real politicians with their own policies and propositions.

We need a new generation of politicians, new elites to rebuild our Nation.


Than Aung Wrote: 06/03/2009

I agree with Okkar. This article is pure propaganda, and is almost the same as NLM's articles in quality.

You should stop saying you are right (irrespective of what you did) just because the regime is bad. The NLD must learn from the past 20 years. THE NLD MUST CHANGE.

1. Just kick out 91-year-old chairman.
2. Bring more youth into the decision-making bodies.
3. Make important decisions by itself when Daw Suu is not accessible.
4. Be brave (against being blamed by those abroad who are benefiting from the political stalemate) to work together with the regime for a practical and workable solution for the country.

Thura Wrote: 06/03/2009

Sanctions will only make the regime less accountable and less transparent. Sanctions will not weaken the regime. Reality is that after 20 years, the regime has become stronger and more tactful in the wrong direction.

On the other hand, NLD has become weaker and weaker, and dependent more and more on Daw Suu.

A few years after getting out of the prisons, Min Ko Naing and 88 Generation Students wakened political awareness of the public and effectively started Sep-07 uprising. They could do this even under harsh oppression. What was the NLD's strategy in Sep-07? Did the NLD give a clear message, guidance, or leadership in Sep-07? People united bravely in Sep-07 and tried to go against the regime. However, the NLD was just worthless at that time.

I am no longer a supporter of NLD although I used to be a blind supporter. I believe there are many people who have the same feelings.


Naing Ko Wrote: 06/03/2009

Good on you, Ko Moe Zaw Oo, who strongly stands with the NLD. Bravo!

We need to make sure to adopt more result-oriented and/or smart financial and diplomatic sanctions.

The creating of the middle-class theory (economic freedom first and political liberty second) in Burma under the SPDC is a big illogical mistake as there is no transparent and accountable mechanism.

Poverty in Burma is man-made and by rulers who have zero-knowledge on economics and politics, apart from killing and arresting its own people.

Regards to Aunty Kyi May’s arguments, yes, it is 100 percent true and accurate. The present junta does not understand any sound economic or political design/systems and/or policy-packages.

They have been running state as their “bulletocracy” and “militarism” which have never ever brought any economic growth or modernization in this world.

Okkar Wrote: 06/03/2009

You can't hide a dead elephant under a goat skin!

Why is it so hard for the NLD to accept responsibility for their mistakes? There's no honor in pretending to be righteous and being hypocrites. The more NLD whitewashes their mistakes, the more they are showing their true face to the people.

This article just goes to show how hypocritical and out of touch the NLD has come from reality. The BSPP used to blame all their failures on the CPB; nothing was ever their fault, it was all the fault of CPB and the insurgents. Now the NLD is becoming like the BSPP, blaming others to hide their own mistakes and failures. Shame on the NLD and their apologists.

The question people should be asking is: Why can’t we blame NLD for their mistakes?

Kyaw Min Wrote: 05/03/2009

Whenever you want to talk about sanctions, don't forget about the regime's accountability and transparency, because today's knowledge economy is based on those tools. Without these, nobody in interested in doing businesses in our country. But there are exceptions for those who working in oil and gas businesses there. In economics' cost-benefit analysis, they're not doing businesses there, instead they're killing our Burmese people through environmental weakness--take a look at Nargis. So, don't talk sanctions first... rather let's talk transparency and accountability first, which is more realistic. Because we need to know how much the regime gets for oil, gas, drugs, corruption, etc and how much they spend for military and health, etc. Just ask them to show 100% reliable annual budget. If they can, why can't we lift sanctions, assuming they're spending for the Burmese people, not just their personal benefit. So, I want to say, whenever you want to write about sanctions, just include those facts which are more realistic!

Mg Shwe Wrote: 04/03/2009

The regime accused the NLD of confrontation. In real life, the regime is doing the confrontation. Look at the Depayin case as an example.

The regime accused the NLD of seeking utter devastation. In reality, it let 130,000 people in delta die by intentionally ignoring early warning messages prior to Cyclone Nargis. The reason was to divert attention from National Referendum to the utter devastation.

The regime criticized the NLD's standpoint on economics sanction and stated it is a cause of poverty and instability in Myanmar. In reality, the regime has simply placed Thai, S'pore and Malaysia companies in the vacant seats of US & EU companies who withdrew their investment in Myanmar. The regime and its followers--not more than 10% of total population--are holding not less than 80% of the country's GDP. 90% of people in Myanmar are victims of poor policy and system, inequality, unfairness and corruption. They are trying to survive based on 10% of the GDP.

The regime created political instability in Myanmar by ignoring the 1990 election results, organizing a non-representative and non-transparent national convention, creating a national constitution without check and balance system, responsibility of 2008 National Referendum and its controversial results, and demonstrating its autocratic and dictatorial mindset and practices in public affairs.

The regime is the only one responsible for the decline of our country.


MBA Wrote: 04/03/2009

Let's start talking solutions, people.
We've all been playing the blame games for 20 years. Let's strategize.

The old ways simply don't work. Look at the people. We're much worse off.

Most businesses are not monopolized by the State like in a proper socialist system, but by Myanmar Economic Holdings (Oo Paing) and generals' families' companies. MEH's objective is explicitly stated as "for the welfare of Tatmadaw". It's purely owned by the generals, not by the public.

The generals are not dumb. They're just doing everything to benefit themselves. Sharing of wealth among themselves prevents any generals from betraying the group. The sanctions have failed to tackle that issue.

They've just made people poorer. The sanctions just crippled the people more and tipped the power balance much towards the military. The isolation has given the government the freedom to do whatever they want.

The people are being punished for the wrongdoings of the government.

Myanmar's associating with all the bad countries now. If we go on like this, there won't be any changes whatsoever for another century.

Look at Cuba. Look at North Korea.

So, let's talk solutions. Lift the sanctions. Let people learn their rights and demand them eventually. Otherwise, our country will be stuck with bad governments even if this one's gone.

So, let's strategize. Give it time - 5, 10 years. We all talk as if the freedom's gonna come tomorrow. It's been 20 YEARS!!

Okkar Wrote: 04/03/2009

It is quite astonishing to read this hypocritical article written by a member of NLD-LA foreign affair sections defending the actions of the NLD. This is nothing short of pure propaganda materials that one would see in NLM. What is wrong with the Irrawaddy Editorial board? Don't they know that this is a whitewash article?

As for the sanctions, Daw Suu and the NLD have blood on their hands for pursuing their "Utter Devastation" policy at the expense of the people of Burma. Just because they stand for democracy, human rights and freedom, that does not make them excusable for their wrongdoings and mistakes.

They may be righteous in their fight for freedom but they are equally guilty for prolonging the suffering of Burmese people. It is time for Daw Suu and the NLD to take responsibility for their mistakes and be accountable for their actions. This kind of white washing article only adds insult to the injury for Burmese people. It is like rubbing salt into the wound!

Myanmar Think Tank Wrote: 04/03/2009

SPDC's mismanagement?? Actually, the SPDC has managed well, for their own benefit. Like vampires, even from the dead bodies of more than 130,000 people.

Joe Wrote: 04/03/2009

Greed is the cause of the majority of Burma's problems. Greed and poverty. There is no indication that wealth would be more equitably distributed under the NLD as we don't know their policies. They just talk about rights. They have to offer a better life for the average Burmese as part of their policy; then they may get more universal support from Burmese - enough to overthrow the regime. If they are clever enough to have very good policies even the army may join their cause; but so far the NLD are offering nothing that even the army or the average Burmese would find appealing enough to want to rise up united against the junta.

They must speak about things like electricity and clean water and proper sanitation, because this is what concerns people. Not politics. Burmese need medicines in hospitals, 24-hr electricity, clean drinking water and sanitation, as well as jobs and the prospect of a future. But the NLD have politicized the issue making their only policy “ousting the junta.” Then what? It doesn't matter who's in power. What really matters is food on the table, clean water, electricity, better communication with the outside world and well-paid jobs. Who cares who's in charge if basic needs are not met? Roads are full of potholes and dangerous to navigate. Sewage spills onto the street when there's flooding in townships. Who's in power matters little to someone who can't afford to go to the doctor or has to eat rice soup. For NLD to succeed they must be a peoples’ party.

Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D.) Wrote: 04/03/2009

Blaming the NLD for "not thinking about Burma and economic development" is nonsense, it's blaming the Victim.

I did not respond earlier because this person sent me hate mail.

The bottom line is he does not understand economics.

As part of intensive research I have done over the last 20 years,I know there are many democratic visions and plans for Burma, including a book published in 1998, and many confidential reports since 1993 that I was given access to.

Many things can cause a country not to develop. The main reason is the design of the economic and political system.

Burma has a military dictatorship with many socialist elements such as state-owned enterprises, state monopolies and central control in place. The sanctions are very focused and financial in nature.

The military regime has income from natural gas but a lot of the earnings disappear into private coffers. I have heard IMF and World Bank delegations talk of this.

Now the junta is planning a sham election. And this person blames the NLD, which is a Party under tremendous stress and has been weakened by arrests and natural attrition such as time, death and old age, not to mention strong arm tactics and constant harassment for decades.

If one knows nothing one should keep one's mouth shut.

What about the money the army spends on itself, the gains it makes from the gap between official and free market exchange rates? The army still tells farmers what to grow and gives them "sun baking" torture.

K Myint Wrote: 04/03/2009

"Sanctions should not be used as a scapegoat for the economic problems in Burma. The cause of the crisis in Burma is the junta, not the sanctions."

Well said. People must ask why is the price of Salt more than 600 kyats and went up to 900 kyats a Viss even before Nargis hit us? See Burma has its own problems and sanctions had absolutely nothing to do with the economic hardships people face. The kind of life a person Earning 4000 THB in Thailand can live is totally different from the SAME AMOUNT that a person here can live for. There are lots of workers earning around 1 Lac a month, and their life is nothing compared to what it is in neighboring countries. Burma deliberately practices sanctions on it's own people, which is the real cause of economic sanctions. This is done by creating an artificial scarcity where goods, products and services that are otherwise plentiful are made scarce due to imposed restrictions. Serious though this seems to be what no one is talking about.

sandar Wrote: 03/03/2009

Well, we always blame the SPDC for its mismanagement. Why shouldn't we blame the NLD’s leadership for it’s bad policies, failures and continuous call for sanctions?
Everybody knows that economic sanctions are equally responsible together with the SPDC’s mismanagement of Myanmar’s failed economy.
For me the international community should review the sanction policy for the sake of the people's well being. I personally very much wish that all economic sanctions would be lifted as quickly as possible.
However, we should be realistic, I think that the international community will not lift the sanctions at once, but step by step, depending on the wise policies in economy and other domains that will be made by the future government after 2010.

Democracy can be built only when the economy of the country is healthy. And only when the economy of the country is healthy can we improve the education of our country. A healthy economy and good education are necessary in order to create a good environment to build “democracy” and to improve “human rights values”.

Like it or not, we should blame the NLD leadership's failures and total irresponsibility for calling for sanctions.
The NLD called for economic sanctions, but the NLD denied it. In fact, the NLD lied to us. It simply means that the NLD insults and outrages the intelligence of people of Myanmar in the name of democracy.
In other words, the NLD is refusing to take responsibility for their failures.

We blame the SPDC for their mismanagement, repression and undemocratic governance. However, the SPDC never pretended to be a democratic government, while the NLD did.
NLD should contest the Elections in order to propose to us their Plan for Nation Building if they have one. Moreover, if the NLD decides to contest the Elections only when all others will have already declared and the elections are closed, it is not good for the NLD.

I place my hope in 2010 Elections to rebuild our Nation. Therefore the interests of the NLD must be undermined compared to the interests of our Nation (people of Myanmar).

Unknown said...


Dear Myo Chits Myanmar, Patriots,

Who is worried about Chinese take over of Myanmar? Let' be serious about it.

Don’t have heart attacks, don't kill yourself with these un necessary worries.

A Cuckoo bird is worried , so much so, it sleeps on its back and has it legs towards the sky, in case the sky might fall on him, while it is sleeping. A clever or a stupid bird, you decide.

Some people are very concerned about Chinese invasion of Myanmar and take over Myanmar as part of China.

All of their worries are may be, let’s say justify, politically, economically and socially.

From their angles, views and perspectives. What has Myanmar or Union of Myanmar done to give China opportunities, or chances to invade into Myanmar? Chinese are Chinese , they are not warmongers like some other none Chinese, if you know what I mean. The whole of South East Asia is , let’s say, over run by the Chinese . That is not all.

In the history of China and Myanmar, there were opportunities and chances for Chinese to invade Myanmar, and took it , but they did not. There were incursions by the Chinese for good reasons , at the time of King Nara Thiha Patay ( Tayote Pyay Min ) . Myanmar have had their incursion into China, as well. At the time of King Anawrahta was apparent . But two countries , if there were quarrels they all ended up in peace. And the two countries respect each other sovereignty, ever since.

But the last time Myanmar and Chinese fought each other was around 1950s, against Kuomintang Nationalist Chinese ( Tayote Phyu ) when they were chased out by the People Liberation Army of Mao Tse Teng the Communists. Those Tayote Phyu or the White Chinese we called them were supported by the US. But we fought them out till they were moved out to Formosa ( Taiwan.) We paid great prices .

Militarily the world most powerful nation on earth namely US , could not help Kuomintang to get China back or to get Myanmar. This militarily most powerful nation namely US could not get China through Korea either. They had to retreat to South Korea Again they tried through Vietnam, Los and Cambodia they had to retreat back to US. They tried to use Myanmar as well , Myanmars are no fools either.

The questions are , those who are concerned and worried about the Chinese invasion of incursion , what can they do to stop Chinese coming into Myanmar or any other country around the world? What are they doing, what are their plans? Who they think they are kidding? Who do they want to take over Myanmar? Who puppetsthey want Myanamr to be. Who wants Myanmar to become US satellite?

Let the Europe be free from US, influence, US domination. Because ther are parts of US. That's the way I see it.

Let’s face it. Whether they like it or not, whether anybody likes it or not, Chinese are everywhere. As a figure of speech , your own real father may be a Chinese , the one your mother did not tell you about. Your mother’s next husband may be a Chinese, who knows. Do you know who your next door neighbour is? Have a look around.

I will tell you this., remember it well . Tell your children and your grand children that there is no land on Earth where there are no Chinese, where there are no Indians. Even in the outer space Chinese and Indians hjave ben there. Let alone countries on earth. OK?

Chinese are everywhere , no military invasions is needed, no excuses are needed . No need to wage war on anybody. They have the largest Army, the strongest Army with powerful weapons that men have created, for their defence purposes. Because they have been under constant threat, politically, economically and socially. Under these circumstances China has to be, strong and powerful politically, economically socially and of course militarily. China is prepared and ready to face anybody, any threat if necessary. China is prepared and ready to live, not to die.

The Great One, Confucius said , “ War is undesirable ”. So China avoid unnecessary wars. China needs no war, to create anything for it’s people . Chinese are everywhere.

China taught a big lesson to US General MacArthur and the US President Harry Trueman , how to fight a war, if necessary, in Korea, when US tried to invade China through it. Peoples’ Liberation Army of China is not madse up of mercenaries.

China today is not worrying about anything, it is only worrying about the monies it lent to US , that it might not get back the monies in time when it needs it. The economic troubles in the west effect China as well. How much monies China forked out to other countries.

What we are seeing is , there are many things happening behind the political curtains.

China has many true friends, no fakes friends, everywhere. China does not have to change its foreign policy, because it has offended no one. China colonised no country. In fact China was no colony of anybody but some parts of China were British colonies.

In the past , “Boxer Revolution”, showed the whole world what Chinese are like, what the Chinese are made of. If only Chinese authorities let lose the boxers , the history of the world may have been different.

I would very much like to hear from anybody. How will he/ she try and stop Chinese, spreading all over the world. I would like to urge that person who is concerned or worrying about the Chinese. I would like to ask that person to show us means and ways to try and stop Chinese.

What I would like to ask that person is how he gets get rid of his Chinese neighbour. where he is living? Has he stop eating Peking roast duck, and pancake rolls, roast poke, chop suey or chow mien?

BTW, what is the difference between a small nation like Myanmar, relying on China or on Russia, relying on US, or on Europe. Don’t forget US borrowed some monies from China. Hue Jin Bao confirmed it, at a news conference, a few days ago. I laughed with my heart out. That is politic.

What US and Europe trying on Myanmar is, to liberate Myanmar from China and Russia and to depend on US and Europe? US and Europe do not want Myanmar and China to be friendly , any country to be friendly with China or Russia.

It happened once in Myanmar , when Myanmar tried to be friendly with France, to have good relation, cooperation in trade and economy. British did not like it . The Brits invaded Myanmar and enslaved Myanmars for over 125 years. That was the experience Myanmar had. .



Unknown said...


The NLD should accept the constitution and contest the Elections : 18 Hours, 6 Minutes ago Karma: 0

According to the pro-opposition media, NLD will hold the special meeting on 28th and 29th April and from this special meeting, they will decide the important decisions regarding the constitution and the 2010 promised Elections.

I find this as a good news, however, we need to wait and see what decisions NLD will take after this special meeting.

I think that the very wish of the NLD must be first of all releasing of the political prisoners. The families of prisoners are expecting it very much. But to release these prisoner there must be an important positive move from the part of the opposition. If the opposition (NLD) does not move or change from it’s current position regarding constitution and 2010 Elections, the release of the political prisoners seems totally impossible.

The NLD should see the world with different regard. They will not have moral and financial support in future from the part of international community like old times. In the past 20 years they got moral and financial support form US and their allies, but now after 2010 Myanmar politics will change as well as the position of Myanmar in regional affairs. The US and west will only support them as long as their interests are concerned. May be after 2010, continue supporting Myanmar opposition In and Out might be against their own interests. No country will support an opposition of a Nation against it’s own interests, not even for the words “human rights and democracy” which they think and believe belong to their culture.

IF the NLD really wish the release of their members who are in various prisons in Myanmar,
IF the NLD really wish to see “peace” in Myanmar,
If the NLD really wish to see “democracy” developed in Myanmar,
If the NLD really wish to see development of economy in Myanmar,

NLD should accept the constitution and contest the Elections.
Anyway with or without NLD, the elections will be held. The constitution is already approved.
It is Time for the NLD to stop acting in Myanmar politics as an angry loser disturbing everybody on the road.

The NLD should :

1.reform their party
2.accept the constitution
3.contest the elections bravely

To realise these things mentioned above, the NLD should review:’s objectives for the short, middle and long term’s position for calling for economic sanctions
(continue calling/supporting or refusing to take resposibilities for economic sanctions is very "Dangerous" for the NLD to get people support in future)
3.prepare a project for nation building in order to present it to the Nation during the Elections campaign

In 2010, people will elect only the most competent party and candidates unlike in 1990 Elections where the emotion played the most important factor. Therefore the NLD should prepare for it. They had alreday lost so much of time.

best regards,

Re:The NLD should accept the constitution and contest the Elections : 7 Hours, 55 Minutes ago Karma: -7
Dear MHK, & Myanmar Myo Chits, Patriots,

Who can stop the elections, who will stop it?
Do you honestly think NLD won't participate. Believe me they "Zay Sit Nay dar. " The possibility are at the end of the day, they will be there in front of the big queue. Whether they will find enough candidates to represent the people, to represent thneir party or not is another matter.

Everybody must understand that SPDC is and will be a care taker government. On the day, Election Commission takes over , till the day it hand over the power to elected government. In the mean time and after the hand over of power combine armed forces led by Tatmadaw ( don’t confuse yourself with Nato led by US) will protect and defend democratic process. For the elections to go through peacefully. SPC will be none partisan. They are not participating in the elections as political party, so it will be meaningless to stage anti SPDC campaign, anti SPDC rallies. protest and demonstration. That was where it all went wrong last time. Against Dr. Maung Maung, against SLORC, remember?

Anti democracy, fake democrats may try. They might mislead some people, agitators, trouble makers. Tatmadaw expect that, Tatmadaw is ready and prepared for it. But the people are wiser, the people are cleverer than 20 years ago. They behaved very well during the last twenty years, they have proved that they were responsible citizen during the last twenty years.

NLD or other politicians cannot fool the people anymore. They better not insult the people again. They can try if they dare.

NLD will surely decide to participate in the elections . They are given all the impressions, to test their strength. That is normal for a political party, to test their chance of winning or not winning enough seats. Here nobody is talking about losing , nobody has to lose anything . Even one seat win has to be consider gain or win, Because before the elections they had none. How many seats they could win, in the elections, that is all. NLD will still get some seats through some of their staunch and loyal supporters.

Democracy is against one party state, one party rule. Democracy is multi party system. There will be representatives of people from many parties, they have to work together, they have to learn to work together in the interest of the people, in the interest of the nation.

There will be Tatmadaw delegates in all Hluttaws, ( Parliaments) this constitution has been approved by the people. The only way to amend is through the Hluttaw, parliament, if necessary through referendum. If there is no existing constitution anybody can rule, take in charge. Possibly Tatmadaw again. As caretaker government or provisional government.

NLD knows very well that they should and they must be in it , at least to share the power with others. NLD was the one which was talking about sharing power, wasn‘t it? NLD knows they should and must be in it, because , they have to be in it to win it., they have to be in it to make changes, they have to be in it to change from within. That is democracy. That is the essence of democracy, that is what democracy is all about. They cannot change from outside, they should not do it from outside. If they do that won’t be wise.

The more they don’t like the New Constitution the more they have the reason to be in it, the more they have the reason to change it. If they want to make changes, they should be inside and change it , the only way. NLD knows it.

There is no bargaining chip for NLD. In Myanmar “ Zay Sit Nay Bo Achain Mahote Phuu ” ASSK cannot control her followers, she cannot control her supporters. Many undesirable thing happened while she was out side. She even manage to derail the National Convention, sabotage .

She has incited many riots in the past, created chaos, lawlessness. She told the people to break the laws, not to co operate with SLORC/SPDC. She is a threat to the nation and the people, she is a danger to the people and the nation. There are enough proofs and evidence against her, why SPDC so lenient to her nobody knows. Why Sr. Gen Than Shwe has so much mercy for her nobody knows.

Some people even thought of she may be working quietly with the SPDC . That is a may be, of course.

As far as SPDC is concern there are no political prisoner, not even ASSK is. She is detained for her safety, protective custody, they called it. To protect her own safety, to protect political rivals from one another. To protect the nation from foreign invasions. She and her followers very much like the foreign power to invade Myanmar, they could not even hide their wish. ASSK herself had been calling for foreign intervention, what ever that intervention, she alone will know. .

There are many who dislike her, naturally. They strongly believe, because her, the people of Myanmar are suffering. Because of her economic sanctions are impose on Myanmar, because of her Myanmar can not progress, because of her, Myanmar cannot developed. All Myanmars have been denied human rights . Law abiding Myanmars citizens have seen and witnessed how she created chaos and, lawlessness. How she had created thieves and looters , robbers murderers, how she had disturbed and disrupt there peaceful life.

It is still fresh, very fresh, how ASKL push Myanmar and its people to the edge of the abyss.

Releasing these law breakers including ASSK is up to the next elected government of Republic of Union of Myanmar. After the SPDC hand over the power to that elected together with its reports.

If NLD wants to see Myanmar change, or SPDC change, then NLD must change as well. NLD has a lot of things to do including reforms before it decide to participate in the coming elections.

With or without NLD the show must go on. If it is with NLD it would be much better. If without NLD, it won’t make any difference. Because NLD and its members are dispensable, other parties are as good as them may even be better.

We are not going to tell NLD and its members what to do or what not to do. They should know what to do and what not to do. They have had twenty years to learn about Myanmar, the realities of Myanmar.

Don't worry, there will be plenty of participants.more than enough. Remember last time, how many jumped on the wogan?

Most of the dirty jobs are done by SPDC. NLD should eat with the clean plate. Union of Myanmar is not like pre 1988, very much changed, for the better in many ways.

Why should NLD take Myanmar back to pre 1988, would the people allow it? I don’t think so.

Be wise everybody.



Re:The NLD should accept the constitution and contest the Elections : 5 Hours, 44 Minutes ago Karma: 2
Dear Thunderbolt,

I have been reading many of the blogs written by Myanmar people (present and former citizens).

This is what I found:

1. They want a end to a military government.
2. They want multi-party democracy.
3. They want citizen's rights comparable to other countries of the world.
4. They don't mind sharing power.
5. They want to change the Constitution.
6. They want to work within the framework of a "Union".

I have read the new 2008 Constitution. Most of the things the Myanmar people want are included already. Maybe, not exactly but in essence all the requirements are there.

Even in the USA, right now the Democrats have a majority in both houses of Congress. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Yet, the Republicans still believe in the principles of democracy and free speech and work within the system, within the framework of the constitution.

I worked in Cambodia when they were preparing for their elections. I worked as a Polling Station officer. The Khmer Rouge boycotted the elections but Khmer Rouge soldiers did not disrupt the elections. The party led by Hun Sen won the elections. Now Cambodia has received more assistance from all countries of the world including the ADB and IMF and the World Bank.

Pol Pot is now dead. We all know what happened in Cambodia later. Hun Sen staged a coup d'etat and the politics there is not yet stable. It is not easy to establish a "democratic system" even with the help of the UN and about a grant of US dollars 2 billion from Japan, at that time.

The best foundation for democracy to be established in Myanmar is to make all out efforts to give good education to the new generation according to the customs and traditions of our country while keeping abreast of the advances in science and technology and ICT (Information and Communications Technology).

Now all the ASEAN countries, the US and its allies and the UN are urging both sides (the SPDC and the NLD) to move towards reconciliation.

Let us hope for meaningful talks for the future of our country asap (as soon as possible).

This reminds me of a Burmese proverb: "pyan hna kaung anyin pwa, nga gyin thar myay gwe chi".

"Because the two otters keep quarelling about who should get the larger piece of the carp, the cunning wild dog ran away with the best piece of the fish."

This is a time to think seriously about National Unity, National Solidarity and Progress with peace and prosperity.


Re:The NLD should accept the constitution and contest the Elections : 2 Hours, 23 Minutes ago Karma: 2
Dear Da-Gar-Lay Liberty,

Fools will never see the truth. Detaining and arresting members of NLD, the winning party of 1990 election and calling for them to participate in another election is just plain ‘insult’ to the intelligent world. Of course idiots will follow what the militant mob does for one cannot blame the fools. These fools will call for NLD to participate by laying grounds that are impossible for them to participate by jailing them and creating laws that are impossible for them to participate. It is like telling a man to run while his both legs are tied to a pole. Does that make sense? For fools it may sound sense but for intellectuals it does not.



Unknown said...

In my view, for the release of political prisoners, it is not even sure that they will be freed even after etablishing of a new government.

The famillies members of political prisoners must urge NLD now to accept and contest the elections.

Anyway, they have no other choice.
people will not go out onto the streets for them.

NLD at least should think of their men/women in prisons.

NLD should also stop playing as if they armost important player in politics, because they lost people's confidence and trust.

Arguing it is because of spdc's repression becomming "boring" for the people of Mynamar.


Unknown said...


Dear Myanmar Myo Chits, Patriots,

Many people are concern, they are worry, for what, why? Why are they torturing themselves. There is nothing to concern, that is nothing to worry. At the end of the day everything’s gonna be alright.

It is said that on the 28th April NLD will have an important meeting At that meeting , NLD will decide whether to participate in the coming elections or not.

As far as I am concern. who cares they participate or not? Personally speaking, I care a damn about it, honestly.

But NLD has to care, its members have to care. Because if NLD decides not to participate in the elections . NLD will cease to exists as a legal political party, until next time. Don’t forget that. don’t you ever forget that NLD, for God sake. Everybody is watching you.

Remember if you are outside the frame, there is absolutely nothing you can do, especially at the time New Constitution has been approved by the people in the referendum of 2008 is ion place. Whether NLD approved it or not is irrelevant. NLD was not in the NC. NLD has no rights to say anything. NLD should not abandoned its legal status by acting illegally , irresponsibly, abandoning NC .

“ Min Thar Gyi Malote Ya low = Pant Ma Gyi Phaut ”, that’s the saying for NLD.

From deep down my heart, in the interest of the people, in the interest of the nation, in the interest od democracy and in the interest of human rights. NLD should and must take part, NLD should be wise.

If there is something to abandoned, NLD should abandon some of its leaders. Not the People, not the Nation, not the Constitution.

If NLD is not in favour of dictatorship. If it is against one party rule, it must not act like a dictator, or one party attitude.

If NLD does not take participate in the elections, I will eat my hat. And NLD can forget everything, pack their bags and go back to where they came from,. if that place where they came from is still there or people from there accepts them back.

Do or die, NLD must contest in the elections. It will, in the end. I can feel it, believe me.

In Myanmar we say NLD is “ Mu Nay Dar” or “ Eiting ( acting) Khan Nay Dar ”.

In political language, testing its own strength, testing the people, balancing the scale.

It is impossible for any party to win land slide in this elections.

All political parties do that. Normally, the term is five years for a government to be in power.

If the government is sure of winning next term, it could called elections long before the term is up, between four and five year . Don’t wait five years are up. If it sense losing they stayed till five year is up.

NLD oppose the New Constitution, which it did not take part to draft it.

NLD is selfish, single party. For NLD. Party comes first, party comes second , and party comes third. It reminds me of the formation of BSPP. Myanmar was a one party state with BSPP Constitution. This 2008 Constitution is for multi party democracy.

The Representatives and delegated of all parties and all walks of life consulted many constitutions of many other country . And they compiled a Constitution for future Republic of Union of Myanmar.

NLD deliberately did not take part in it , That is their own doing m, that is their business. That alone showed , that alone is the evidence, that alone is the proof,, beyond any reasonable doubt. That alone is the undeniable fact that NLD is selfish, cannot share anything with anybody. That alone is the bad attitude and bad behaviour of NLD. That alone is the problem of NLD and its leadership.

“ Nga Khon Ma Da Goung Ne Ta Hlay Lon Pote ” NLD needs just one bad fish, the whole load saintly has the powere . ks. Because they did not get rid of that bad fish in time. They will sink with the boat , she will sink with them.

NLD leadership talked too much about power sharing from the mouth, but when it comes to the deed, it hesitated, it does not like it , it does not want to share power with other parties, its obvious.

As it cannot share power with anybody, share power means , if anybody accidentally, they must share with NLD. If NLD has the power. It will nor share with others. It wants others to come under the umbrella of NLD, NLD is the sole boss, the one and only, like US in NATO. Like US over EU.

We have seen that attitude of NLD, that behaviour of NLD in the past. We have see it has changed .

Other parties have to be careful. If they go near the bad stink fish, they will also be smell like bad fish and stink.

One more wrong move, NLD will cease to exist. The whole load will sink with her.
Think about it among NLD members , who really are paying the real price?
She is not concern, she is not worry about anybody., No body is concern about anybody,

All we are hearing is about other NLD members, small ones .NLD members arrested, NLD members sent to prison .NLD members this, NLD members that .

She does not missed a wink of sleep, sleep as usual. eat as usual, shit as usual. Everybody is concern about her, worry for her, who really care for members of NLD? Have you thought of that?

If you are an NLD member , you are nothing. You have no value of your own. You may be a 24 carat pure gold. What is gold, if compare to ruby, saphire , diamond, emarald , even jade.

Admit it you are nothing without her. That means yoiu are "Luu Phyit Shone".



Sure. Burmese generals and their families are not "Luu Phyit Shone". They are ruby, saphire , diamond, emarald , even jade. “ Nga Khon Ma Da Goung Ne Ta Hlay Lon Pote ” NLD needs just one bad fish, the whole load saintly has the powere . ks. Because they did not get rid of that bad fish in time. They will sink with the boat , she will sink with them. The same. Because of Burmese Generals Burmese people become the same.

Re:ONE MORE WRONG MOVE, NLD WILL CEASE TO EXIST. 17 Hours, 6 Minutes ago Karma: 0
Dear Thunderbolts,

Thanks for your reply to my post. Thanks also to U Kyaw Myaing.
I agree with you. NLD should think of it’s members, party’s future, party’s new generation and leadership and finally the people of Myanmar. NLD should think of people of Myanmar, the betterment of our country rather than trying to save the image of one person.

We will wait and see what important decisions NLD will take at their special meeting.
We will wait and see how mush NLD will be wise.

At the same time, Myanmar must progress with or without NLD. We have already lost so much of time and we have no longer time to lose again. Whatever decision NLD will take, the political transitional process must go on.
Because NLD can sink but Myanmar can not sink, we will not let our country sink with NLD.

Best regards,


Re:ONE MORE WRONG MOVE, NLD WILL CEASE TO EXIST. 6 Hours, 26 Minutes ago Karma: 1
No one will sink. Only Burmese people will sink. Burma will not sink.

Re:ONE MORE WRONG MOVE, NLD WILL CEASE TO EXIST. 1 Hour, 42 Minutes ago Karma: -7
The tridition is , when the boat sinks , the Captain sinks wit it. In other words, Captain commits suicide.

Ko Aung San gave his Samurai Dagger to Lord Mountbatten as a parting gift. Lucky he did not leave it for his own daughter.