Saturday, May 31, 2008


At the road side of the kung chan kone -dadeye township road ,The villagers from near village have unusual small huts after one weeks storm nargis.In order to get food from donor cars that passed near the small huts .All They have to do is stand in front of the these hats and wave their hands while the aids relief cars pass through near by .

Acagyi village is very small village located near Dedaye Township right now no one supposed to lived that villages after nargis .Nearly round about 80 people who get alive after passing the destructive storm .These villagers moved from the village to the new hats beside the road to get food, clean water and, rice from the local donor.

After nargis, killed near 80 thousands of the people who lived in Myanmar delta region, many of the villagers died and missed till three weekend after nargis .Some of the villagers who left alive went to refugees camps in order to get food and shelter.

However, like the villagers who lived at roadside they have no chance to live at the refuges camps. The reason is that “We have nowhere to live except here "said the villagers ko ye lwin 39 years old who live at the roadside near deadeye township.

Ma khin san lwin 40 years old who worked for fishing for a long time but now waiting on the road for food she knows even refuges camp is better than his house but she has no chance to stay for long time.

“My children died by tidal wave during the strong while they were running with her father” nearly over 40 years old Ma khin san lwin who live in the village that near kyunchankone said.

Till after 3 weeks of storm she is still go to roadside to get the food from donors.

"My small house is being build by my relatives with beetle nuts stem that can get easily near by " but I didn't received any aids for house".

Some days I received some rice, potatoes and some cooking oil some days nothing, I do not think things will recover to me very soon.

She spent nearly two days at refugees' camps that she got there nearly naked at the morning of may 3.

"The two days at the refugee's camps I didn't have any meal" she added.

When she got back to the house, only remember the place.

"I lost everything my two daughters, mother in law, and the whole house." now my husband has suffered injured and he could not have any health care from government or either othe INGO.

Not only in that village, has the same story heard from deadeye water seller kyaw htoo lwin 45 years old , spent nearly two weeks at the refugees camps after storm.

"Last two days ago we were driven by force to go back, I have no home at that time so I live my friend's house and depend for a while".

He was given tarpaulin sheet, one basket of rice, and some used clothes and told to go home. He's now repairing his house. The monastery is 15 minutes walk from his house.

“You know we heard from other villages our government authority push to go back own village from camps after 15 th may .They gave some rice and plastics sheet to the refugees and bring with the green military trucks to near village.

It seems to them push to live at their old place from authority but it is not better than living roadside huts

"I am well aware that these huts are located illegal place .The place is not all hygienic but we spent most our time here. We cook here, eat here and sleep here in small hats with my family " added ko ye lwin .he has four children including four months baby.

The latest information from phyapon district disaster management committee, It said the committee reduce the number of the refugees camps and it said the no of refugees is going down after may 15 from 10 thousands and above to 6 thousands.

For Ko ye lwin ,living in new hat is the most effective way to survive their life, mot only him that is also for the reason of all villagers are living and fighting there against their survival.

Near Acagyi is not only the place that villagers with the new small hats, there are more than thousands of the hats moved from the old villages to that road side may be couple miles from dedeyae to kungchankone .

“While we are passing the road to phyapon we saw a lot of new small huts come out day by day” said the ko Ye who is working as a volunteer of the nargis respond team.

After 20 th may government announced emergency relief time is over and forced to moved the huts which situated at the roadside of delta.

"Authority give me a chance for a few days but It will over in very soon," added ko ye lwin

.In the past in this season they ploughed the paddy in their farm and prepared for the planting season right now their concern is the struggle for survival at the road side.

The same happened at the road side of the delta region villagers who didn’t received enough aids something like rice,food and sheleter .

After nargis,Some of the villagers abandoned their destroyed homes and moved to find better jobs in another place.

Living at the roadside in delta is “ineligible” ko ye lwin committed .Right now these villagers are facing the tremendous barriers that local authority takes action when they find these huts in the roadside area.

“If military find the villagers who are living at the roadside huts, they may have been driven by authority”.

One of the notice that released in Yangon based delta high way station that Mentioned

well wisher passengers distribute from the car to the people along the road it cause them these

people are watching the passing car and makes them loose interesting to carry their livelihood.

To prevent the national image of Myanmar do not make like these works .It advised to contacts local relief's committee directly.

“it is very cruel on the victims my options is that authority should permit limited period during the rehabilitation" said the donor who wish to give.

"At 28 th may we have got some improvement but we have to inform 48 hours advanced" well wisher added.

These tremendous obstacles prevent the accessing the basics need of they have nowhere to go.

“If I live in the old place it is impossible to access the food from donors, things are particularly bad ".said the refugees who does want to use his name.

Some of the area in delta, when authority found their guilty villagers should have been fined 3000 kyats per person (it cost two basket of rice).

After 22th may , UN chief visit, the huts which situated along the road of kuanchankone dadeye ,phyapon road are already removed by the military.

"Authority want to show only the good things to UN and INGO but some refugees no where to go still live under the phyapon bridge said ma nyein nyein who live near the phyapon bridge.

Despite these difficulties Villagers never give up and come to the road side and wait for donors, they believes the Myanmar people traditional custom.

Refugees called donors "guardians" or benefactor they sit on the feet and wait for everyday at the roadside.

Struggling three weeks after nargisat may 23 th , general than shwe agrees to let inside Myanmar for international aids workers.

he decision eases a three-week standoff since the cyclone tore into the country on May 2-3, leaving at least 133,000 people dead or missing and around 2.5 million more in dire need of immediate aid.

"He has agreed to allow all aid workers," UN chief Ban told reporters in the remote new capital Naypyidaw following closed-door talks with the 75-year-old general who heads one of the poorest and most isolated nations in the world.

International relief organizations have repeatedly insisted that more people will die unless they get immediate food, water, shelter and medical care.

Ban said on arriving 22 th may that he was coming with a "message of hope" for the beleaguered victims of the worst natural disaster in the nation's history, which devastated much of the southern Irrawaddy Delta.

But the delta people are not hopping so much form UN chiefs and other organization. It is nearly one months for their lost after storm nargis, including daughters ,sons ,fathers ,mothers, husbands and wives but aids are not getting through to them.

Prime Minister general Thein Sein told diplomats that the provision of food, clothing, shelter and medical care was "now almost complete at this stage."

Many villagers from deadeye said that they have not received any government aids yet . Local reporters saw people were getting the line to receive packages of noodles or some rice of cans at phyapon.

"All we have after three weeks from government is one egg,three mosiquito nets and three items of clothes" said the villagers thepyukone village that situated at the eastern part of the dadeye township.

In tu myang village ,just one hour drive from phyapon by motorboat nearly 160 houses are rebuilding without getting any aids said u photoe elder man of this village.

all villagers from that village said " All we need is tarpaulin that can use their house for shelter.

Last a few days ago, Mr Ban flew over flooded rice fields, destroyed villages, and visited a government relief camp in the Irrawaddy delta.

A UN official privately called it a "show camp".

But at tu myaung villagers are rebuilding their small huts by themselves. When the raindrops come down, they go back to monastery only the reliable place of their relief that has enough shelters for them.

All villagers from the delta realized that there are many obstacles apart from the local authorities, to ploughed the plough the farm and soil the paddy for next planting season. Lacks of the seeds and cattle pose other challengences for planting.

They accepted that many times they felt exhausted and hopeless But once they heard the aids workers let into the country ,it gives continue to fighting for the their survival.

The only thing they want in their life is help to their life to become good people

Without getting help these people who live at road side might becomes thieves, beggars and alchol addicts I think any vicitims without getting the aids like a man waiting for death.”

"we are not beggars" villagers from road side said .